Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Council for Manager Development

For the past two years, I have participated in a professional development organization at Purdue called the Council for Manager Development.  During the first year, we get an opportunity to meet with the executive staff and learn the inner-workings of the University. 

The second year, we work with someone from the executive staff to sponsor a project that we work on and present and the end of the program.  Our projects were presented last week and last night was our CMD "graduation" banquet for our class.  A new class starts up each Fall and our started in August 2008.  It was a great experience of learning about the university, meeting new people and making new friends. 

(CMD 2008 Class with Al Diaz, Executive Vice President for Business and Finance, Treasurer)

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Furniture

A couple pics of Emma w/ her new bedroom furniture:

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Until the Whole World Hears

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. ~ Matthew 24:14

I had an awesome night at church this evening.  Youth Ministry was great but the best part was getting to see my son, Alex, share in front of his AWANA Truth and Training club.  He is a kid with a heart for God and love for others.  He has a passion to share the gospel.  God has been working on him to share his faith more boldly and he had an opportunity to share a testimony to his peers tonight. 

I loaned him a book called Firestarter that tells a story about a group of high school teens and the importance of evangelizing.  He recognizes the importance of sharing Christ so everyone has an opportunity to make a decision FOR Christ.  It's not up to us to make the decision for them, it's only our responsibility to present them with the Truth.  He really wanted to encourage the other Christian kids to be bold in sharing the gospel to the kids at school.

He did a great job and was well prepared.  It was a great testimony to me to see him stand up in front of his peers and several leaders and share what was on his heart.  I think God has great plans for him and I'm excited to see what He does with his life.  I don't know if I would have had the guts to share like he did when I was in the 5th grade.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

He Is Risen!

We were home for Easter and celebrated the resurrection of our Savior at our church.  We had a breakfast there first and sang some praise songs which was followed by a drama.  The drama was excellent told by John who was, ironically enough, played by Jon.  The teens and adults did well with it. 

We spent the afternoon w/ Heather's parents and Grandma in Francesville.  We played a few games of Rummikub and hung out outside enjoying the beautiful weather.

We took some pictures of the kids before church and then tried to get some of just Heather and I.  Guess which one Nolan took.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Gateway Woods

We spent Friday and Saturday visiting Heather's brother's family.  They live in Grabill, IN and work as houseparents at Gatway Woods Childrens Home.  They do a great job.  The kids loved the chance to hang out w/ cousins.  We had a great golf-cart tour compliments of Jarod.  Jarod, Alex and I had fun playing a game of dodge ball w/ a bunch of kids.