Saturday, July 11, 2009

Grand Champion

We went over to the Fair to look at all the 4H projects. Alex got GRAND Champion in the computer category. I was pretty proud of that. I think in some ways it has to help my 'street cred'. :) So it was fun to see all the ribbons on his poster. He also got a blue ribbon for an electric project that he and I did. It's a good educational experience for him to learn these things.

Later, Alex and I went over to the park for a car show. These are the cars that participate in the annual Rensselaer Cruise Night. They bring out their hot rods and drive around town. There are a lot of neat classic cars...Mustangs from the 60's, Chevy's from the 50's, etc.
I took Nolan and Emma fishing over at our little pond. Nolan caught a little bass. Now that he's learned to cast by himself he likes to go over and fish. It was a lot of fun and a good day of quality family time.

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