You may wonder who comprises the G6. Well, it's a group of six of us that met in college and have remained friends over the years. We have two common bonds: Illini basketball and Jesus Christ. All of us have a solid relationship with our Heavenly Father which carries over to our tight friendship. I am blessed to have these five men as my friends.
Bart, Janell, Carson, Quinn, Kade, Cole (and Jada - napping)
Doug, Kary, Alexa and Brayden
Eric, Gina, Ethan, Kara and Ty
Scott, Shayna and Jace
Phil, Heather, Alex, Emma and Nolan
That is really cool. I think it would be really neat to have such a close bond with so many others. That's proof of the awesome works/blessings God can do in your life if you're submissive to Him.